About Neighbourhood Planning
A Neighbourhood Plan is a vehicle through which local communities may influence future development of their area. All developments still have to comply with National Planning and Local Plan policies, but a Neighbourhood Plan can provide additional criteria of importance to, and can identify sites that have the support of, the community.
The NP is developed by a group of volunteers {the Neighbourhood Plan Group] working with Council and the Local Planning Authority [West Devon]. Its role is to undertake consultation with the community as the NP evolves and develop policies that reflect the views of the majority of those responding to its consultations
The Plan will undergo rigorous examination, by WDBC and by an independent planning inspector before being put to the community in a REFORENDUM. Only if supported by 50% plus 1 of the voters will it be adopted as the planning policy for the area to which it applies
NP development in Lamerton- the story to 2021
In January 2016, the community voted by show of hands at a public meeting held at the Community Centre to proceed with the development of a NP for Lamerton
In 2016/7, consultations took place- a survey, a Housing Need Assessment, a Call for Sites, and a public meeting to consider and vote on some of the sites that had come forward.
In 2017, an initial version of the NP was issued based on the evidence of those consultations
In 2018, WDBC offered a scheme for affordable housing on a site not originally favoured. The NP was revised to include this scheme.
In 2019, following public consultation regarding the draft NP document, Council were advised negative comments should be considered and that indepenetend site assessments obtained.
Seven of the sites initially offered in response to the Call for Sites were assessed by AECOM.
In 2020, the NP was re-drafted, but before the process could go further, WDBC withdrew from their proposed development scheme which was the key housing policy of the draft NP.
In 2021, following elections, the new Council undertook a review of the draft plan. The original evidence was out of date, and in the post-covid world, fresh evidence was needed to reflect the present circumstances of the Parish